For  district 3140, there were many first time features in this GSE program ,under the governorship of DG T.N.Subramanian,  to District 1770, Paris,France 
    1. The first ever vocational GSE program        
    2. Five team members , with one funded by the DDF         
    3. First time a former GSE team member was leading the team as leader( PP Dr Indumati Gopinathan) 
    4.All the team members were from the fashion industry          
    5. First GSE exchange with France
    The team had 4 women fashion designers and one male, a fashion photographer         
    Anjali Jani, Meera Mittal, Nirupama Mukherjee, Sushma Pagare and Vishal Kullarwar made up the TEAM.
    Together the personalities helped form a very impressive, cohesive team that did Dist 3140 and India proud  It might sound very cliched , but one cannot but help saying that this been a truly enriching, unique  experience    
     The program itinerary covered multiple aspects of the country such as Fashion, monuments,art, history , Rotary and pathology (my vocation) as well.
    The fashion aspect of the program for a medical person like me was an eye opener.The French took to fashion like a fish to water .Every aspect of fashion was covered ranging from wholesale,retail,sportswear, wedding wear,  dress fittings , high end designer  outlets , boutiques, exhibitions ,fashion schools, knitwear industry , hair and beauty  .One moment of revelation was at a fashion school, where the faculty informed us that they had closed down the embroidery section    and stopped enrolling students for the same because, embroidery was not cost effective anymore there and  it was being outsourced to India !
        The unique experience helped me get an unparalled insight  into  the culture, history and life styles of France.  The love for environment that the French displayed was very impressive .
        India's  position in the global scenario got clearer  through interactions, discussions within the host country .
         The program through  its varied itinerary and geographical distribution gave an opportunity to appreciate the subte differences in the lifestyles of different strata of the French  society ,both rural, urban and suburban.
          It  was interesting to observe that the French had very high regard for the spiritual aspect of India and regarded themselves as much less spiritual and more materialsitic
          We loved the way each of them valued their countries history and culture and always looked at the present from the perspective of their past.
         The families were unconditionally  accepting of their children in terms of all their decisions be it with regard to education  or   even decisions like having children  without marraige.
         The most important aspect for me through this exchange were the instant bonding   with     Rotarians  The program provided a global perspective on the functioning of Rotary and common Rotary challenges faced  across the world.Attendance and participation seemed common challenges
         The involvement of the GSE chair Denis Rhodes in theGSE program was very impressive. He actively participated in the day to  day programs , especially the vocational ones leaving aside his business.
         Membership development was an area of challenge  and in fact DG Jerome Marcillot used our district figures of 6800 to  inspire the French Rotarians. Club strengths varied from 12 to 80.
         The difference in our national problems was fascinating. A French member of the Parliament said that  their main challenge was the increasing segment of senior citizens with better longevity . The governement financed their existence and the shrinking youthful population had to pay taxes for their upkeep!This was creating resentment among the earning , tax paying populace.
          The French absolutely admired the sari. The host families and club Rotarians would literally request us to wear saris.   
    Many a time, despite the very cold environs, clad in boots, we would were the sari and revel in the attention that  this traditional Indian attire would attract.
        The french passion for food and wine is incredible.What was interesting  was the unhurried pace of dining , be it lunch or  dinner.They took great pride in identifying the place of origin of the wines and relished different wines served during a meal.

The host district had organized  visits to hospitals and laboratories and enabled interaction with my professional counterparts in Paris.It helped me to pick up some new aspects of my profession that I can incorporate now into my medical  practice .
It was overwhelming for my Indian medical sensibilities to see the utopian healthcare system in    France . Every citizen , rich or poor was given free, top of the line healthcare , the best in Europe.
My greatest learning as a GSE Team leader was man and situation management that always sprung surprises and is not a usual part of any orientation program.
All in all the GSE has been a wonderful journey of self discovery and forming a new family that
now shares a very special GSE bond.
And to think, last year at this time, none of us knew each other....Ah the power of Rotary !!!

art in the art gallery
